When it comes to taking care of our skin, we each have our own routine. Some keep it simple– a swipe of micellar water and done, whereas others use treatments, rollers, and exfoliators… The list goes on. While there is no definitive «right» way to take care of your skin, since we all have different types, there are certain regimens that are doing more damage than good. It’s time to stop the following terrible skincare habits ASAP.
Going Overboard with Skincare Products

Using multiple products to treat any skin problems might SEEM like the smart solution, but it can actually cause more irritation and inflammation. Whenever we see a new product on the market, it can be tempting to believe the benefits. However, the smartest way to cure any skin issue (acne, redness, dryness) is by using only two or three products max. This will both a) save you money on skincare products and b) calm your skin down.
Popping Your Pimples

This should be a given by now, but squeezing your own zits is never a good idea. While almost all of us are guilty of attempting to attack that new planet that popped on our faces overnight, in the long run this only leads to more acne. All the squeezing can actually press the pimples deeper into your pores, which can cause a skin infection. What’s more, the oils on your fingers can spread and cause infection and zits on other spots on the face. If you do get the urge to squeeze, you should try putting a spot treatment on the area with a cotton swab to directly improve the skin.
Skipping The Sunscreen

Regardless of the time of year, it is important to protect your skin from the sun’s rays. If you are worried about causing your skin to be greasy, fear not for there are many SPFs designed oil-free. Everyone should be using SPF because without it, the collagen in skin breaks down which brings on wrinkles and discoloration.
Excessive Washing And Exfoliating

You might think washing more means cleaner skin, but the reality is that over cleansing and exfoliating can dry out the skin. The result can vary depending on your skin type, but you can expect to have redness and inflammation. There is also the chance of getting worse acne, because your oil glands start to work in overdrive. When it comes to skincare, less is more!
Photos: Freepik