In order to get that curly hair you want, the easiest way is using styling tools, right? Wether you have a curling iron, or have your way around a straightener, heat is the most common tool for hair styling. However, heat is also a common reason for damaged hair, and sometimes, beyond repair. In addition to causing your scalp to severely dehydrate, it’s also a main cause for dandruff and greasy hair. Luckily, there exists few methods that don’t require heat for you to curl your hair. And, you’ll end up getting more natural and wavy curls, without causing any damage to your hair. Check out these 4 tips to get curly hair without styling tools.

Braids have been used to curl hair in ancient times, even before styling tools even existed. In fact, it’s the most natural way to get the perfect wavy beach curls. In addition, it can’t get easier than this method to curl your hair. All you need are two hair ties, and a hair brush. First, wait for your hair to be at least 70% dry. Then, make sure you brush it thoroughly, before carefully splitting it in half. Make a braid on each side, and keep it overnight. When you’ll wake up, gently remove the hair ties, and see how gorgeous your natural curls are!
Hair Pins

Beside braids, using pin curls is also a method that goes way back. These simple and cheap accessories can be easily obtained, and pin curls are an easy way to get curly hair without styling tools, or any heat for that matter. You just roll your hair upwards inside the pins before bed, and the next day you’ll have natural beautiful curls. PS: you can add some hair spray the next day for your curls to last longer.
Paper Towel And Hair Spray

Speaking of hair spray, using it along side a paper towel will work like magic. In fact, it’s an effective replacements for rollers, that will allow you to have tight, springy curls. After your shower, first use a towel to remove the excess water in your hair. Then, take a paper towel and fold it (1 inch wide) and simply wrap the ends of your hair around the middle of the paper towel. In the morning, remove the paper towels, and comb hair with your fingers.

Believe it or not, socks can also help you get nice curls without styling tools. You will need to pull your hair into a high ponytail, and secure it with a hair tie. Next, use the cut toes off a sock and roll them into a doughnut shape. Then, use the hole in the sock to pull your hair ends, and wrap them around the sock until your reach your scalp. Finally, use some bobby pins to secure of the rest of the night.
Photos: Pixabay, Freepik.