With this heat and the strong summer sun it becomes very easy to feel dehydrated, which is why it’s important to constantly drink water. However, sometimes water can become very boring if it’s the only drink we have, and soda-like drinks aren’t exactly helping our diets either. So a great option to break out of this water routine is combining it with cold infusions. They are absolutely delicious and super healthy for us!
Cold infusions can be amazingly refreshing and they are full of great properties for our health. It’s the best option to handle days of intense heat! You’ll see how you won’t want to drink anything else anymore. Take care of yourself, and enjoy doing it.
Green tea with blueberries

This infusion, besides being super healthy due to the amount of antioxidants it contains, is also amazingly delicious. It is very refreshing and is full of flavour. You only have to boil a couple of green tea bags together with some blueberries.
Once you’ve done so, and the given time has passed, let it cool down. You can choose to either put it in the fridge or throw in some ice cubes. Either way is fine. And that’s it! You’re ready to enjoy your own cold infusion.
Ginger and chamomile tea

Take a chamomile teabag and a ginger root and put them to boil. Then, let it cool down in the fridge. Next, choose the citrus fruit you prefer and make a nice juice out of it. Lastly, mix all of it and add ice, ¡and you’re done! This one is great because both the chamomile and the ginger have incredibly positive properties, plus, you’ll love the flavour of it.
Mint and blackberry

This cold infusion is super easy to make as you won’t even have to boil the ingredients. Simply introduce a handful of blackberries and some mint leafs into a jar and pour some water in it. Let is sit for various hours, and there you have it. You can add some ice cubes if you wish it to be colder.
This option is great as the mint gives off a very refreshing feeling, while the blackberries are sweet, meaning you won’t need to add any extra sugar. This way, we take care of both our diet and our taste buds.
Green tea, mint and cherries

This infusion is super tasty: you’ll love the freshness of the mint combined with the tastiness of the cherries. Plus, green tea has many great properties and help us with our «detox» plan.
Start by cutting the cherries in half, but remember not to get rid of the pits. Put them in a jar and add the rest of the ingredients on top: mint leafs, tea bags and water. Let the mix sit in your fridge for 12 hours. Once the time’s up, strain the mix and serve in glasses with ice cubs. Now you have the ideal infusion to stay hydrated this summer!
Images: Unsplash