You are super excited about your next summer beach vacation, but absolutely horrified at the thought of taking pictures due to that new planet that just popped up on your face. With the heat and humidity causing *endless sweat* that can clog pores, it can be hard to have flawless skin in the summer. These 5 easy steps will help you to get glowing in no time.
Exfoliate For An Immediate Glow

One of the easiest tricks to getting skin that literally glows in just a matter of minutes is by exfoliating. Using a nice sugar scrub or body scrub will help to slough away all the dead skin cells and peeling sunburnt skin to reveal your fresh face underneath. Just remember to not over exfoliate- too much can actually dry out and strip your face of natural oils. A safe bet is two to three times a week.
Switch Up Your Moisturizer

In the winter months, our skin is typically dry and in need of more moisture, so heavier creams are ideal for these months. However, if you’re still using that same bottle from January, or no moisturizer at all, we’ve found your main culprit for breakouts! You might feel like you’re skin is «moisturized» from all the sweat you produce, but sweat is high in sodium which dries out your skin. This can leave your face looking patchy and red. To keep your skin supple (and not overdo it so that you’re a literal greaseball), try using a lightweight oil-free moisturizer that has SPF. Simple and smart!
Hydrate From Within

While hydrating your skin with a good moisturizer is key, the best hydration starts from within. Yup, with water! It’s easy to forget to get your daily 8 glasses (or more) during the hot months, but doing so will flush out toxins in your system. The result is a fresher looking you all around!
Wash Your Face (And Body) With Cold Water

You might already be showering in cold water as a cool relief from the heat, but if you aren’t you should do so ASAP this summer. The hot air and humidity combined with an extra dose of both from a hot shower work to dehydrate your skin. This in turn can cause unwanted breakouts. Plus, the cool water can provide an immediate «wake up» on days you’re feeling sluggish.
Up The Antioxidants

The amazing powers of antioxidants are endless, and when it comes to your skin these damage fighting molecules can do absolute wonders. Antioxidants can help protect your skin from damage caused by the sun, improve inflammation, and increase collagen necessary to keep your face smooth and wrinkle free.
That said, you can get your much needed dose of antioxidants both from external serums, which admittedly have a hefty price tag, or the easy cheap route- eating them! Many foods that are common in summer are packed with antioxidants, like mangoes, cantaloupe, and berries. Snack up- your skin will thank you!
Photos: Freepik and Unsplash