Plastic surgery is expensive and painful. However, many women resort to it in order to look younger. In fact, you can obtain similar results through natural ways. It goes beyond working on your skin and hair routines, because you need to exercise and take care of your body and mental state as well.
We have prepared a list for you, that includes simple ways to take care of yourself and look younger.

Take Care Of Your Hair
Taking care of your hair is among the most important things in the “Look younger” list. For starters, it’s the thing most people notice first when they look at you. So you have to make everything you can to keep it perfect.
To do so you can add coconut oil in your hair routine. Additionally, you should keep your hair hydrated, because a dry hair is one of those things that will make you look older. Also, Try to avoid washing your hair daily, and rinse it off with cold water so it absorbs the conditionning.

Use Collagen Supplement
Collagen is a hormone produced by our body that keeps our skin tight. However, collagen drops 1% each year after 20. Therefore, you will need to substitute the body’s production of this hormone. Collagen supplements come in various formats. You can even use it as a powder and add it to your favorite drink.

Choose A Good Skin Routine
In addition to collagen, you will need to take good care of your skin. This includes moisturizing, exfoliating, using day and night creams, and of course, taking your make up off and cleaning your face everyday.
Moreover, try to add some natural face masks twice a week, and drink plenty of water.

Pay Attention to Your Body
In order to look younger you’ll have to make some sacrifices. Junk food being one. Fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods should be the key elements of your diet as you grow older. Not only because they will help your aging process. Healthy food will help your skin look younger in the long term due to all the micronutrients and anti-oxidants in them.

Change Your Mindset About Aging
Let’s be honest, you will never look 25 if you are 50. So might as well accept the things you can’t change, and learn to improve those you can. A big part of aging is in our heads. Threfore, work on changing your mindset to avoid the stress and anxiety coming with aging. If anything, stress only make you look older than you actually are.

Photos: Pixabay, Unsplash.