Modern dating is hard. Technology has influenced our interactions and relationships, and became a big deal when it comes to dating. I mean, you meet a guy, you exchange Instagrams, then you go home and start getting to know the person through their posts.
Millennials give so much importance to social media in relationships. However, this dependence created an emotional analysis of signs. you ask yourself »Why was he online and didn’t reply? Why did he leave me on read? why are other girls liking their posts? etc…»
Nowadays, studies prove that marriage rates are plummeting, and part of that, is due to uncertainty about feelings. If you don’t know where you stand with a guy, that’s probably because he is not into you. Here are some signs to keep in mind.

Mixed Signals
If a guy sends you mixed signals about their feeling, then probably they don’t really want you. Several men confessed that when they are not sure about a girl, they try to keep sending her mixed signals until she finally walks away on her own…Be careful of this type of guys because they can keep you hanging for a long time. While they are enjoying their life, you are just sitting there wondering if they actually love you or not.
Love Bombing
This the complete opposite of the previous one. When a guy uses this technique, it makes you feel valued and special. They shower you with compliments, love, and affection. You feel like they really want to be dating you. Then, all of sudden, they are gone. You wonder where did you go wrong, but it’s really not you, it’s them. They enjoy seeing you need them, and becoming attached to them. You start thinking to yourself that this could be ‘love at first sight’ but, it almost never is. These guys are not willing to commit. Next!

Avoids Defining the Relationship
When it comes to knowing what the two of you are, there is no better way than asking. However, if he shows little interest in knowing, or considers that it’s not important to label it, then chances are he is confused about you. If you are always wondering , then you need a reality check. A man who’s interested doesn’t leave you wondering. It’s as simple as that.
More Physical than Emotional
Physical attraction is very important in a relationship, but it’s not everything. If your guy is open about that but not his emotions, then that’s one big red flag. He is definitely not that into you if he doesn’t open up to you, share his feelings, and show interest in understanding yours. Moreover, a guy who likes you will let you in and will only hangout with you when it works for him.

He Doesn’t Make Effort
Finally, this is for me the most important sign. We often try to find excuses to why men don’t text us first. We say »Oh, he must-ve had a bad day.» Although that might be true in some cases, a man who cares about your won’t go a week without a text/call/message. So, if you are always the one making the first move, you should reconsider where you stand with that guy.
Photos: Unsplash, Freepik