Dandruff is very annoying and sometimes, even embarrassing. This naturally-caused problem affects over 50% of people, according to recent findings. Causes of dandruff vary, and it could be for hormonal reasons as well as external ones. For example, if you stress very much then your body responds with dandruff. sometimes, even changing your shampoo or conditioner can cause scalp irritation, and consequently, dandruff will appear.
RevistaCachet is letting you know that there are some simple, natural home remedies to get rid of dandruff. Check them out!
Use Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is well-known for it’s multiple health benefits. It’s good for skin, for hair and even for food. It helps improve skin hydration and prevent dryness, which cause dandruff. This oil is also used to cure Eczema and reduces inflammation and itching. It should really always be on your counter just in case!
Apply Tea Tree Oil

Used in the past to treat several types of illness. Tea tree oil comes from a plant called Melaleuca alternifolia, and is known to have powerful anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. In fact, it’s completely effective at fighting the specific strain of fungus that can cause both seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff. Start by applying few drops of tea tree to your regular shampoo, because oil directly on the scalp can cause inflammation or rashes.
Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera is a rich source of vitamins, which are beneficial in promoting healthy and shiny hair. The anti bacterial benefits of aloe vera help to treat clogged hair follicles and also facilitate hair growth. The enzymes present in aloe vera offer deep cleansing benefits for our scalp. They also help eliminate dead skin cells and dandruff .The anti inflammatory properties of aloe vera also help in healing the damage caused to scalp by constant scratching.
Photos: Freepik