Have you ever thought about using your leftover coffee to have a smooth skin? Well, it is no shock to anyone that coffee has several anti aging, cellulite and skin benefits. Moreover, natural remedies have become crucial in self-care routines. For that reason, we explain to you why and how to use coffee for a smooth skin (that also smells very good.)
Benefits Of Coffee On Your Skin

Drinking coffee in addition to keeping you awake, can also boost your metabolism and energy. However, caffeine is not only good for your body only, but also for your skin. Health experts have been recommending it as a skin treatment. In fact, coffee is filled with antioxidants that include phenols, which reduces skin damage. According to the American Chemical Society, coffee surpasses tea and wine in terms of antioxidants.
How To Make An easy Coffee Scrub

Several brands already offer exfoliants and bath works that have a coffee base. However, there is nothing better than preparing your own coffee scrub to have a smooth skin, right inside your kitchen.
You will need 2 tablespoons of an essential oil (coconut, olive, Almond or Argan), 1 tablespoon of sugar, and your desired quantity of coffee. Finally, add some of your shower gel and mix together until it turns into a paste.
Opt For Natural Ingredients

Once you try this simple coffee scrub, you will notice how much smoother your skin has become, and since the first use. Furthermore, natural ingredients provide a healthier option for our skin and hair care. Sometimes, that dried up part of avocado could make up a great base for a nutrient hair mask. Also, honey and essential oils allow you to create your own products.
Opting for preparing your own skin-care products using natural ingredients, will help you avoid chemical induced damages on your body for the long run.
Pictures: Pixabay.