Make up can be quite expensive. So if your products somehow break, don’t throw them away. Especially if it’s a brand new palette, or a lipstick color you’ve been looking for a long time. Today in Cachet we show you easy methods to fix your broken make up back to its original condition. Well, it will not be as new, but you will be able to re-use it perfectly. Follow these steps to fix your broken make up.
Eye Shadow Palette

If you happen to drop your new eye shadow palette, then you know that mini-heart attack feeling. But don’t worry, because youcan fix it. In fact, what happens is that if one eye shadow cracks, it stains the rest of the palette tones. Therefore, you can try this simple hack to fix it.
First, start by getting rid of any loose debris, either by lightly touching it or with the help of a brush. Once you have done this you must press the shadow so that you avoid the appearance of other cracks.
Highlighter/Bronzer Powder
This is the most common accident we all suffer from. When you drop a powder make up product, chances are it has split to a million pieces. Instead of feeling sad and going to buy another one (Because powder products are so important) you can try to fix it this way.
You should re-collect the broken parts, and return as much product as you can to the compact. Then, using a spoon, you can «crush» the product, then add somerubbing alcohol. Make sure to smooth out the paste using the spoon, then let it dry for at least 24 hours.
Your Favorite Lipstick

Imagine that you bought a new MAC lipstick shade for 20$, then few days later it breaks. You are not going to spend that extra-cash for a new one, while you can easily fix the broken one at home.
Start with melting the ends of the lipstick broken in half with a lighter. Then, use a cotton swab to smooth the ends. Stick the two parts together, using the lighter and smoothing with the cotton swab. Make sure that both parts are solidly stuck together. Finally, put it in the refrigerator for about 3-4 hours. Voilà!
Photos: Pixabay, Unsplash