Have you been wondering if you are falling in love with someone? Yeah, sure, love is such a beautiful, warm and fuzzy feeling. You get those butterflies every time you look at your partner, and you feel happy and safe in their arms. Although sometimes, we confuse infatuation or lust with love, most of the times, love catches us off guard.
So, if you are not exactly sure about how you feel, we prepared a list of indicators for you. Here are few signs, that you are falling in love, backed up by research.
Can’t Stop Staring

The first major sign that you are falling in love is definitely staring! If you catch yourself gazing at him involuntarily, then you are falling for him. Moreover, science says that when you unconsciously stare at something, it’s because you are fixated on it. Therefore, if you are often fixated on the same person, you may just be feeling something more than just a crush.
Feel Happy When They Are
True love is about feeling happy for your significant other. If their happiness doesn’t make you feel goosebumps, then you are not in love. Actually, studies show that the happiness you feel when in love, compares to being high. Yes, you may not be on coke, but that dopamine level is almost as high. Sometimes, the best feeling is seeing the person you love smile.
Think About Them Often

Regardless wether you hangout often, or talk frequently. Every time you are falling asleep, your last though always runs to them. If you find yourself thinking about this person the whole time, then you are falling for them. Furthermore, falling in love is also related to making you stressed, and increasing your body’s levels of cortisol.
The Gross Things Don’t Bother You

This is one of the most obvious signs that you are falling in love with someone. It doesn’t bother you when they pick their nose, or leave the bathroom a bit smelly. Quite the opposite, you start seeing those »gross things» as part of why you are attracted to them.
You Feel Happier Around Them

Basically, even if you are happy, fulfilled and accomplished, you still feel the happiest with them. Although a deep connexion is not something you develop with everybody, if he makes you feel the happiest you felt all day, then he is a keeper and you are falling in love with him.
Photos: Unsplash, Instagram.