Do you feel overwhelmed with life sometimes? Well, you may be doing better than you think. Technology and social media have drastically changed our way of living. We often resort to »comparing» our lives to those we know (and sometimes don’t even know). However, it is important to keep in mind, that each one of us go according to their own timeline. So, whatever we may be going through, we shouldn’t forget that even in our darkest days, we are still doing better than a lot of unfortunate people.
If you are in doubt, or just been feeling blue lately, here are few signs to remind you that you are on the right track.
1- You Have a Roof Over Your Head

Unfortunately, Global Homelessness Statistics estimates that over 1.6 billion people in the world are homeless. So, to put your life back into perspective, be thankful for having a place to lay your head at night. Wether it’s too hot or too cold, sunny or rainy, you have a place to go to every night, and to call home.
2- You Are Healthy

Remember that time your nose got clogged, and you sat there wondering why you ever took life for granted when you could breathe? Well, this is the same case. Being healthy is something that we often neglect, because we don’t know how much harder it gets when you are sick. Therefore, if you woke up today with no health problems, then you are doing better than half of the world’s population.
3- You Have At Least 1 Good Friend

If you have a mother, a father, a sibling or even just one person to talk to, then you are doing better than you think you are. A good friend who is there for you, listens to you, helps you in your ups and downs is definitely a blessing. New research that targeted people with chronicle depression, found out that nearly 80% of the cases are due to loneliness.
4- You Are Passionate About Something

It doesn’t matter if you like painting, singing or building machines. If you have a passion in your life that you enjoy doing, and most importantly, that can do, then you are doing great. So many people struggle with finding a sense of »purpose» and having the courage to do something they love. You should keep working on your passion, because so many people would give anything to be in your shoes.
5- You Are Not Giving Up

The most important sign of all. As long as you keep trying and don’t give up to bad situations, then you are on the right track in life. There will always be something you can’t have, a situation you can’t control, and something you really love that you have to let go of. A bad relationship, a toxic friendship, a job you don’t love… If you keep pushing through no matter what, then you are absolutely not giving yourself enough credits.
Photos: Unsplash, Pixabay