Did you ever start to feel teary-eyed for no good reason? It can be extremely frustrating to not know the specific cause behind your sudden onset crying. While most of us just blame it on PMS and call it a day, it’s more effective to try to dig deep and really think about what is causing your bewildering bout of tears. This guide can help you decode the waterworks (and attempt to reduce them) once and for all!

Yup, Crying Can Be From PMS
Blaming our random crying on our menstruation is common, and also very justifiable. This is due to the fact that estrogen and progesterone levels are on a roller coaster the week leading up to your period, which can directly impact your mood. For women that are already feeling more anxious or stressed than normal, this chemical influx can magnify your pent up emotions and leave you bawling. On the bright side, at least you have a very good, scientifically proven reason for your crying! On the bad side… you most likely just have to wait it out until your flow begins. You can also try some calming activities like yoga and meditation to reduce stress during this time.
You Are Ultra Anxious

If you constantly feel semi (or very) panicked to the point it limits your daily activities, you might have an anxiety disorder. While the word «disorder» makes it sound like something is seriously wrong with you, the reality is that anxiety disorders are very common among adults. In fact, almost 20% of the American population suffers from some type of anxiety disorder. The intense emotions felt by those with anxiety can cause them to burst into tears even when they don’t feel panicked. If you feel like this might be your case, it is best to talk with your doctor to take some tests for them to find the solution best for you.
You Aren’t Dealing Well With Stress

All of us have some things in our lives that make us stressed. However, if you don’t find a way to handle and deal with the problems head-on, they can easily and quickly build up. The result? Sudden crying at any and all hours of the day. Stress is not only bad for causing puffy eyes– it also can cause health problems if not dealt with long-term, like intestinal and heart issues. This is why it’s more important than ever to find the culprit for your crying!
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