There are various sunscreen types, and each have their beneficial properties. Moreover, When you think about preparing your skin for the summer, you’re usually only interested in protecting yourself from sun rays, right? However, many times, you leave out other important elements of the cream that can double the benefits. Since not all sunscreens are the same, and we don’t want you going crazy when choosing your next cream, we are going to fill you in on the differences between mineral and chemical sunscreens.
Mineral Sunscreen

These are the creams that probably sound most familiar to you. Especially that they have been very trendy in the past few years. So, how to make the difference? If you can’t find it anywhere in the packaging, there is a very simple method to know. These are the creams that make you feel »sticky»
Furthermore, these types of sunscreen work by blocking the sun’s ultraviolet rays before they reach your skin, so that they stay above it. Yes, that is why they are usually organic and «less harmful» for oily skin, but it also means that you will have to be very careful not to get anything stuck on them, like sand for example.
In exchange, mineral creams assure you that, from the moment you apply it, you will be protected. Also, there is a low probability that your pores will being affected.
Chemical Sunscreen

On the other hand, these creams which are based on chemicals, block ultraviolet rays «from within» your skin. They are one of those sunscreen types that you need to apply for a while before sunbathing, if you don’t want to end up burned in half an hour. But, in return, you won’t end up drenched in sand.
Additionally, you won’t need to apply them as often as mineral creams. However, they also have some down parts, especially if you suffer from acne. Because by penetrating the deepest layers of your skin to protect yourself, some pores may suffer in the process.
Which Is Better For Your Skin Type?

Dermatologists claim that both fulfill their function. However, mineral sunscreen works best with almost all types of skin. Why? Mainly because it will protect you from the Sun from minute 0, therefore, avoiding to burn people with lighter skin.
It is also a great advantage, is that it often has no “side effects» on your skin and pores. Thus, you don’t have to waste all the effort you put into our beauty and skin care routines.
Photos: Unsplash.