It’s safe to say we would all like to live in a state of eternal summer: a radiant tan, lightened hair, salty skin… Life seems better overall. We bring you the perfect tips to obtain the beachy look you’ve always dreamed of.
There are, nowadays, thousands upon thousands of dyes in case you feel like changing it up a bit. However, it often happens that we can’t afford an expensive hairdresser, but on the other hand we wouldn’t dare dying our own hair at home; no way we’d want that bright yellow look!

Dyes are also filled with harmful chemicals that can damage our hair, and there are probably a million other reasons why you’d rather opt for something more natural instead of artificial dyes.
If you do still want that glamorous, sunkissed look, there are other ways you can achieve it without completely ruining your hair. We give you 4 ways to lighten your hair naturally without having to give it up to ammonia.