Summer is finally here. Great weather, a perfectly bronzed skin, long days on the beach… Things couldn’t be better. However, not everything is as good as it seems.
This time of the year comes hand in hand with certain difficulties like mosquito bite or thigh rashes. We bring you some tips and tricks to get rid of the annoying issues that may arise as we enjoy the sunny weather.
A nice and cool fort
Feeling overwhelmed by the summer heat happens to the best of us. Sometimes is gets so bad that the only thing we want is spend the day in the pool or in the sea. As we realize this is not always possible, we bring you a super fun trick to have a little nice and cool «me-space».

Place a fan in front of your bed and take some empty sheets. Grab them by the opening (where you would normally put the duvet in) and turn the fan on to let the air fill the sheets. You’ll see how you’ve created your own little fort between your sheets. Now you’ll be able to enjoy your favorite book in this little space made just for you…¡and feel super cool!
Mosquito bites
Although one of the best parts about summer are the dreamy long summer nights, one of the worst parts is the annoying mosquito bites that fill our skins. Some may be more affected and some less, but none of us are safe from the ocasional mosquito bite.

If you’re someone who can’t handle these annoying bites, you’re going to love this tip. It eases the itch amazingly, and gets rid of the bumps you are usually left with the next day. Simply rub half a lemon on top of the bite and it’ll be a matter of minutes before the itch goes away. You have the citric acid to thank you. It’s the best!
Irritated skin
During the summer we tend to shave more often, which is why our skin is more prone to getting irritated. Either because of how we shave, or because it’s time to throw your razor away, irritated skin can be very annoying.

A great tip to relieve irritation is using a green tea teabag. Make some tea and once it’s done, put the teabag in the freezer. When the bag is frozen, rub it on the affected area. You’ll see how in ten minutes the irritation has fully disappeared.
Thigh rash
Summer heat and shorts are the perfect recipe for disaster when it comes to our thighs. It often happens that they start rubbing together causing an awful, hurtful rash.
To be able to enjoy the summer without having to think about the irritation between your legs, a good idea is applying some baby powder to the area. This way, you’ll prevent your thighs from rubbing together as much and you’ll be able to ease the pain.

A runny eyeliner
It often happens, especially during the hottest days, that we apply some eyeliner and it doesn’t even stay put for half an hour. You look in the mirror and you already look like a raccoon.
A great tip to have your eyeliner stay in place after you’ve applied it is using a thin brush to apply some black eye-shadow on top. That way you’ll be able to make it stay in place, and you won’t have to worry about black stains.
Images: Unsplash and Pixabay